Java Tricky Questions
1. How can we print an Array in Java?
We can print an
array by using methods of Arrays class. We can either use Arrays.toString()
method or we can use Arrays.deepToString() method. Since array doesn't
implement toString() method by itself, just passing an array to
System.out.println() will not print its contents. But we can use
Arrays.toString() to print each element of an array.
2. Is it ok to use random numbers in the implementation of hashcode() method in Java?
No. The hashcode
of an object should be always same. If you use random number in hashcode()
method, then you may get a different value of hashcode for same object. This
will break the hashcode contract.
3. Between two types of dependency injections, constructor injection and setter dependency injection, which one is better?
injection guarantees that a class will be initialized with all its dependencies
during creation. But setter injection provides flexibility to set an optional
dependency. If we are using an XML file to describe dependencies, the setter
injection is more readable. In general, it is a good practice to use
constructor injection for mandatory dependencies and use setter injection for
optional dependencies.
4. What is the difference between DOM and SAX parser in Java?
In Java,
Document Object Model (DOM) parser loads the whole XML into memory and creates
a tree based on DOM model. This helps it in quickly locating the nodes, and
making a change in the structure of XML. On the other hand, Simple API for XML
(SAX) parser is an event based parser. It doesn't load the whole XML into
memory. Due to this reason DOM is faster than SAX but require more memory and
is not suitable to parse large XML files.
5. Between Enumeration and Iterator, which one has better performance in Java?
interface is a read-only interface. It has better performance than Iterator. It
is almost twice as fast as compared to an Iterator. It also uses very less
memory. Also Enumeration does not have remove() method. On the other hand,
Iterator interface is safer than Enumeration, since it can check whether a
collection is modified or not during iteration. If a collection is altered
while an Iterator is iterating, then it throws ConcurrentModificationException.
6. What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
Whenever an
object is passed by value, it means that a copy of the object is passed. Even
if changes are made to that object, it doesn’t affect the original value.
Whenever an object is passed by reference, it means that the actual object is
not passed, rather a reference of the object is passed. Therefore, any changes
made by an external method, are also reflected in the actual object and its
7. What are the different ways to sort a collection in Java?
The most popular
way to sort a collection in Java is by calling Collections.sort() method. You
can provide your custom Comparator to sort() method for sorting the data in
your custom way. The other way is to use a Sorted collection like TreeSet or
TreeMap that stores the information in a sorted order and then you can convert
it to a List.
8.Why Collection interface doesn’t extend Cloneable and Serializable interfaces?
interface just specifies groups of objects known as elements. Each concrete
implementation of a Collection can choose its own way of how to maintain and
order its elements. Some collections may allow duplicate keys, while other
collections may not. A lot of collection implementations have clone method. But
many do not. It is not worthwhile to include it in all, since Collection is an
abstract representation. What matters is the concrete implementation. Cloning
and serialization come into picture while doing concrete implementation.
Therefore, the concrete implementations of collections should decide how they
can be cloned or serialized.
9. What is the difference between a process and a thread in Java?
A process is simply
an execution of a program. A Thread is a single execution sequence within a
process. A process may contain multiple threads. A Thread is also called as a
lightweight process.
10. What are the benefits of using an unordered array over an ordered array?
In an ordered
array the search time has time complexity of O(log n). Whereas, in an unordered
array, search time complexity is O (n). In an ordered array, the insert
operation has a time complexity of O(n). Whereas, the insertion operation for
an unordered array takes constant time of O(1). Therefore, when we have more
writes than reads, it is preferable to use an unordered array.
11. Between HashSet and TreeSet collections in Java, which one is better?
A HashSet is
Implemented using a HashTable. Therefore, its elements are stored in a random
order. The add(), remove(), and contains() methods of a HashSet have constant
time complexity O(1). A TreeSet is implemented using a tree data structure. The
elements in a TreeSet are sorted in a natural order. Therefore, add(),
remove(), and contains() methods have time complexity of O(logn). So from
performance perspective, HashSet has better performance than TreeSet. But if
you want to store elements in a natural sorting order, then TreeSet is a better
12. When does JVM call the finalize() method?
JVM instructs
the Garbage Collector to call the finalize method, just before releasing an
object from the memory. A programmer can implement finalize() method to
explicitly release the resources held by the object. This will help in better
memory management and avoid any memory leaks.
13. When would you use Serial Garabage collector or Throughput Garbage collector in Java?
The Serial
Garbage collector is used for small applications that require heap memory upto
100 MB. The Throughput Garbage collector is used in medium to large size Java
14. In Java, if you set an object reference to null, will the Garbage Collector immediately free the memory held by that object?
No. JVM decides
to run the Garbage Collector whenever it is low on memory. When Garbage
Collector runs, it looks for objects that are available for garbage collection
and then frees the memory associated with this object. So just setting an
Object reference null makes it eligible for Garbage Collection, but it does not
immediately free the memory.
15. How can you make an Object eligible for Garbage collection in Java?
To make an
Object eligible for Garbage collection, just make sure that it is unreachable
to the program in which it is currently defined / created / used. You can set
the object reference to null and make sure no other object refers it. Once the
object cannot be reached, Garbage Collection can clean it during the next run.
16. When do you use Exception or Error in Java? What is the difference between these two?
Throwable class
is the superclass of Exception and Error classes in Java. When you want to
catch the exceptional conditions that your program can create or encounter,
then use the Exception class or subclass of Exception. When you come across
situations that are unexpected then use Error class in Java. Also recovering
from Error is not possible in most of cases. So it is better to terminate the
17. What is the advantage of PreparedStatement over Statement class in Java?
are precompiled statements for database queries. Due to this their performance
is much better. Also, we can reuse PreparedStatement objects with different
input values to the same query. Where as, Statement class does not provide
these features.
18. In Java, what is the difference between throw and throws keywords?
When we want to
raise an exception in our code, we use the throw keyword with the name of the
exception to be raised. Where as, throws keyword is used in method declaration.
Throws keyword tells us the Exception that can be thrown by this method. Any
caller of this method should be prepared to expect this Exception. Another
minor difference is that throw is used only with one exception, but throws can
be used with comma-separated list of multiple exceptions.
19. What happens to the Exception object after the exception handling is done?
Once the
exception handling is complete, the Exception object is not reachable. Then it
is garbage collected in the next run of Garbage Collector.
20. How do you find which client machine is sending request to your servlet in Java?
We can use the
ServletRequest class to find the IP address or host name of the client machine.
There are methods getRemoteAddr() to get the IP address of the client machine
and getRemoteHost() to get the host name of the client machine.
21. What is the difference between a Cookie and a Session object in Java?
Both Cookie and
Session are used during communication between Client and Server. The Client can
disable a Cookie. Due to which the Web server cannot send a cookie. But a
client cannot disable a session. So a Session always works irrespective of any
setting at the client side. Also a Session can store any Java object. But the
Cookie can only store small information in a String object.
22. Which protocol does Browser and Servlet use to communicate with each other?
HTTP protocol.
The Browser and Servlet communicate with each other by using the HTTP protocol.
23. What is HTTP Tunneling?
There are many
network communication protocols on the Internet. But HTTP is the most popular
among them. HTTP Tunneling is a technique in which HTTP or HTTPS protocol
encapsulated the communication done by any other type of protocol. The masking
of other protocol requests as HTTP requests is known as HTTP Tunneling.
24. Why do we use JSP instead of Servlet in Java?
Since JSP pages
are dynamically compiled into servlets, the programmers can easily make updates
to the presentation layer code. For better performance, JSP pages can be
pre-compiled. Also JSP pages provide flexibility to combine static templates
like HTML or XML snippets. In addition, programmers can make logic changes at
the class level, without editing the JSP pages that use the class logic.
25. Is empty ‘.java’ file name a valid source file name in Java?
Yes. You can
create a class and store it in a file with name .java. You can try it yourself,
by creating, compiling and running such a file. It will run correctly.
26. How do you implement Servlet Chaining in Java?
To implement,
Servlet Chaining, there has to be more than one servlet. The output of one
servlet has to be sent to a second servlet. The output of the second servlet
can be sent to a third servlet, and so on. In this way, a chain of servlets is
formed to complete a task. The last servlet in the chain will be responsible
for sending final response to client.
27.Can you instantiate this class?
public class A
A a = new A();
No, this class
cannot be instantiated, since it will result in recursively calling its
28. Why Java does not support operator overloading?
Java supports
Method overloading but does not support operator overloading. It would make the
design more complex by adding operator loading. Also it will make more complex
compiler. One more reason is that, it will reduce the performance of JVM by
operator overloading, since JCM has to do extra work to find the real meaning
of overloaded operators at run time.
29. Why String class is Immutable or Final in Java?
Since String
objects are cached in a String pool, it makes sense to make the String
immutable. The cached String literals are shared between multiple clients. And
there is a possibility that one client's action may affect another client’s
access to String pool. String is also used as a parameter in many Java classes.
Eg. You can pass hostname, port number as String while opening a network
connection. If any one can modify your copy of the String, it can change the
hostname. Due to this reason, it makes sense to make String final as soon as it
is created.
30. What is the difference between sendRedirect and forward methods?
When you use
sendRedirect method, it creates a new request. When you use the forward method,
it just forwards a request to a new target. In case of sendRedirect, the
previous request scope objects are not available, because it creates a new
request. In case of forward method, the previous request scope objects are
available after forwarding. Also the sendRedirect method is considered slower
than the forward method.
31. How do you fix your Serializable class, if it contains a member that is not serializable?
If you want to
make a class Serializable, but find that this class contains members that are
not Serializable, then you have to mark those members as transient. This will
ensure that this member is not persisted to a stream of bytes during
Serialization. Therefore, Transient keyword of Java comes to help in this
32. What is the use of run time polymorphism in Java?
During the run
time the behavior of an Object can change based on its run time state. Due to
this run time polymorphism is introduced in Java. If you override a method in a
child class, then you are providing run time polymorphism. Nothing will happen
at the compile time. But at the run time, JVM decides which method will be
called based on the class of the Object.
33. What are the rules of method overloading and method overriding in Java?
When we want to
overload a method, we need to make sure that the method name remains same. But
method signature can vary in the number or datatype of arguments or in the
order of arguments. When we want to override a method, we ensure that the
method is not throwing checked exceptions that are new or higher than those
declared by the overridden method. Also we make sure that the method name,
arguments and return type remain the same. Also we cannot override Static and
Final methods in Java.
34. What is the difference between a class and an object in Java?
A Class is a
template or a blue print of an Object to be created. An Object is an instance
of a Class. A Class defines the methods and member variables. But an Object
populates the values of the member variables. Therefore a class is a blueprint
that you use to create objects. An object is an instance of a class – it is a
concrete 'thing' that you made using a specific class. Most of the OOPS
concepts are valid only when an Object is created.
35. Can we create an abstract class that extends another abstract class?
Yes. An abstract
class can extend another abstract class. It does not need to define the methods
of parent abstract class. Only the last non-abstract class has to define the
abstract methods of a parent abstract class.
36. Why do you use Upcasting or Downcasting in Java ?
When we want to
cast a Sub class to Super class, we use Upcasting. It is also known as
widening. Upcasting is always allowed in Java. When we want to cast a Super
class to Sub class, we use Downcasting. It is also known as narrowing. At
times, Downcasting can throw the ClassCastException if it fails the type check.
37. What is the reason to organize classes and interfaces in a package in Java?
As the name
suggests, a package contains a collection of classes. It helps in setting the
category of a file. Like- whether it is a Data Access Object (DAO) or an API.
It helps in preventing the collision of Name space. Also we can introduce
access restriction by using package and the right modifiers on a class and its
38. What is information hiding in Java?
hiding is OOPS concept. In Java you can use encapsulation to do Information
hiding. An object can use the access modifiers like-public, private, protected
to hide its internal details from another object. This helps in decoupling the
internal logic of an object from outside world. By using Information hiding, an
object can change its internal implementation without impacting the outside
calling client’s code.
39. Why does Java provide default constructor?
In Java all the
interaction takes place between Object instances. To create an Object instance,
JVM needs a constructor. Java does not enforce the rule on a programmer to
define a default constructor for every class. Whenever an object has to be
created and programmer has not provided a constructor, Java uses default
constructor to create the object. Default constructor also initializes member
variables with their default values.
40. What is the difference between super and this keywords in Java?
We use super
keyword to access the methods of the super class from child class. We use this
keyword to access methods of the same class.
41. What is the advantage of using Unicode characters in Java?
characters have much larger number of characters in the specification. They
also contain Asian and non-western European characters. Most of the modern
technologies, websites and browsers support these Unicode characters.
42. Can you override an overloaded method in Java?
Yes. Java allows
to override an overloaded method, if that method is not a static or final
43. How can we change the heap size of a JVM?
Java provides
the command line parameters to set the heap size for JVM. You can specify the
values in –Xms and –Xmx parameters. These parameters stand for initial and
maximum heap size of JVM.
44. Why should you define a default constructor in Java?
In general, Java
provides a default constructor with each class. But there are certain cases
when we want to define our own version of default constructor. When we want to
construct an object with default values, we create our default constructor. At
times, we can mark the default constructor private. So that any other class
cannot create an instance of our class. This technique is generally used in
Singleton design pattern.
45. How will you make an Object Immutable in Java?
To make an
object immutable follow these two rules. One, do not use any setter methods
that can change the fields of your class. Two, make the fields final. By
following these rules, the member variables cannot be changed after
initialization. This will ensure that member variables of an Object do not
change. And thus the Object will be considered Immutable.
46. How can you prevent SQL Injection in Java Code?
In Java, you can
use PreparedStatement to prevent SQL injection. In a PreparedStatement you can
pass the precompiled SQL queries with pre-defined parameters. This helps in
checking the type of parameters to SQL queries. So it protects your code from
SQL injection attacks.
47. Which two methods should be always implemented by HashMap key Object?
Any object that
we want to use as key for HashMap or in any other hash based collection data
structure e.g. Hashtable, or ConcurrentHashMap must implement equals() and
hashCode() method.
48.Why an Object used as Key in HashMap should be Immutable?
The Key object
should be immutable so that hashCode() method always return the same value for
that object. The Hashcode returned by hashCode() method depends on values of
member variables of an object. If an object is mutable, then the member
variables can change. Once the member variables change, the Hashcode changes.
If the same object returns different hash code at different times, then it is
not reliable to be used in the HashMap. Let say, when you insert the object,
the Hashcode is X, the HashMap will store it in bucket X. But when you search
for it the Hashcode is Y, then HashMap will look for the object in bucket Y. So
you are not getting what you stored. To solve this, a key object should be
immutable. Although, the compiler does not enforce this rule, a good programmer
always remembers this rule.
49. How can we share an object between multiple threads?
There are many
ways to share same object between multiple threads. You can use a BlockingQueue
to pass an object from one thread to another thread. You can also use Exchanger
class for this purpose. An Exchanger is a bidirectional form of a
SynchronousQueue in Java. You can use it to swap the objects as well.
50. How can you determine if your program has a deadlock?
If we suspect
that our application is stuck due to a Deadlock, then we just take a thread
dump by using the command specific to environment in which your application is
running. Eg. In Linux you can use command kill -3. In case of deadlock, you
will see in thread dump the current status and stack trace of threads in the
JVM, and one or more of them will be stuck with message deadlock. Also you can
do this programmatically by using the ThreadMXBean class that ships with the
JDK. If you don't need programmatic detection you can do this via JConsole. On
the thread tab there is a "detect deadlock" button.